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Monday, December 31, 2012

Jack's Book



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Bridge To Terabithia and Jack Weil

When it comes to my life up until now, I prefer not to comment.
Perhaps someday I shall find more reasons to talk about it.  

Bridge to Terabithia makes a direct reference to The Chronicles of Narnia, with Leslie lending the stories to Jess so that he can learn to behave like a king.

"I thought I had made it up. Then, rereading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis, I realized that I had probably gotten it from the island of Terebinthia in that book. However, Lewis probably got that name from the Terebinth tree in the Bible, so both of us pinched from somewhere else, probably unconsciously

Paterson drew inspiration for the novel from a real event that occurred in August 1974 when a friend of her son was struck by lightning and killed.

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Thanks Jack Weil

I want to posting about Jack's Website.

Dear all.Nearly a year ago I announced on my website that I intend to write a book for young people under the title “Return to Terabithia” it was met with positive feedback from you, which I admit gave me much needed energy to finish it on time, as it did. Less than a month is left until the book is released, and therefore, I have two pieces of information - one bad and one good. We'll start first with the bad. But to announce it, I must go back more than two years ago. In mid 2009 I sent a letter to Ms Katherine Paterson asking if she could lend me the words Terabithia written by her for my new book. Unfortunately, I did not receive any reply. Undaunted by this fact, a year later I started to write my third book, hoping that I will obtain such consent. I sent another message, however, it too remained unanswered. In desperation, at the end of June this year, I turned to the author with my request in writing, which I posted on her official Facebook profile. However, again I received no response. In fact, I received it two days later when my request was removed from the author's profile without any explanation. Which is a clear sign for me that the author did not consent to my request. I fully respect this, although I must admit I don't really understand. And even though legally I could use this word, as it has not been reserved, I do not intend to do so. Having no other choice and less and less time for the official release, I am forced to change the cover, which was a guide for you throughout the year. And this is the end of the bad news. The good news is that the book will be released on 1st September and to reward your disappointment, which you inevitably feel right now, I'll only say that I changed the title in such a way so that you received an answer to the most pressing question you have been asking me via email and which I could not answer individually due to the large number of your letters, which I would like to apologize for in advance. Unfortunately, I cannot answer the second equally important question that you ask me, as reading the book would not be interesting in itself. Already on 11th August, I would like to invite you to my website so that you can see the new cover prepared for you. I believe that you will like it as much as the previous one and find it inspiring to read the book written for you. Yours sincerely Jack Weil

Well, I’m trapped. 
I wanted to do something good and decided that I’d writea book for children. Perhaps more for youth. 
The most fussy clients in the world. No offense. I’ve always wanted to write, since I can remember.ButI believe books for youth, despite their simplicity, are the most demandingand difficult to write. Praise to all who find enough courage to write them.Though some shouldn’t. 
Well, I’ve said the word and it’s time to start this adventure. And because I’m a little vain, I know that I will manage. That’s what I think now, however, I know that while writing it, I’ll have many doubts. Nevertheless, I hope I can count on a little of your support. That you’ll help me defeat the Dark Master. Although the result of this battle has not yet been established.

Eli Wallach has received the Honorary Academy Award. Congratulations!!!
Thank you to all for reading my website and voting. At the same time, we are closing the campaign of the free copy of my book. I hope that those who downloaded it, had a pleasant time reading, but return afterwards to reality :)
OK. Let’s begin the campaign Oscar for Eli Wallach. 
He’s a fantastic Actor, so it’s worth doing this for him. 
Remember that you can download the book only after meeting the terms of the regulations contained on both websites:
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bridge To Terabithia 2 Part.8 Enemies Coming

Chapter 8 (perbaikan): Enemies Coming

"Ayo kita simpan sepeda ini," Kata Bissy. Mereka pun menyimpan sepedaya. "Ayo kita ke Terabithia," Ajak Bissy. "Ayo," Kata Ricky setuju. "Eee, tunggu sebentar. aku mau mengambil bukuku," Kata Ricky. Ricky pun langsung pergi kedalam rumahnya dan mengambil bukunya. "Ayo" kata Ricky. Mereka pun segera jalan menuju Terabithia. Di perjalanan mereka berdua mengobro

l. Tapi, tiba tiba Ricky berhenti. "Kenapa kau berhenti Rick?" Tanya Bissy. Ricky mengambil sesuatu dari sakunya yaitu sepasang gelang berwarna biru. "Bissy, aku ingin memberimu ini, satu untukku dan satu untukmu, agar kita selalu merasa bersama," Kata Ricky. "Darimana kau dapatkan ini Rick?" Tanya Bissy. "Ini sebenarnya untuk sahabatku yang ada di rumahku yang dulu. Tapi karena tidak sempat memberi ini ke dia, jadi aku menyimpannya," Kata Ricky. "Tapi, kalau begitu itu simpan saja untuk sahabatmu yang ada di sana," Kata Bissy. "Tidak, tidak. Aku disini sudah dapat sahabat terbaikku, yaitu kau Bissy. jadi, ini untukmu saja," Kata Ricky. "Emm, yasudah. Terima kasih Rick," Kata Bissy.

Ricky dan Bissy pun melanjutkan perjalanan ke Terabithia. Mereka berlari dan sampailah di jembatan Terabithia. Mereka berhenti dan melakukan apa yang harus dilakukan 'Keep Your Mind Wide Open'. Setelah melakukan itu, mereka masuk ke dalam Terabithia. "Yeah, kita bisa melihat tempat indah ini lagi," Kata Bissy. Mereka berjalan menuju rumah pohon, tapi di sana tidak ada siapa siapa. Ketika mereka sudah hampir sampai di rumah pohon, tiba tiba mereka mendengar suara seperti ada yang berjalan di atas rumput. Mereka mendengarnya dan berbalik badan. Tetapi, yang mereka lihat hanyalah 3 ekor tupai biasa. "aku kira apa,"Kata Bissy. "Sudahlah, ayo!" Kata Ricky. Ketika mereka baru berjalan sebentar, tiba tiba terdengar suara auman. Mereka menyadari itu dan langsung berbalik badan.

Ternyata, suara itu berasal dari tupai tadi. Tupai itu berubah menjadi tupai monster (squogre). "Aaa, tupai monster!" Teriak Bissy. "Ayo lari!" Ajak Bissy. "Tidak" Kata Ricky. "Apa?" Tanya Bissy. "Aku akan melawannya," Kata Ricky. "Hei, kau jangan bercanda. ayo cepat lari!" Kata Bissy. "Aku yakin aku bisa, Bissy," Kata Ricky. Tupai Monster itu bersiap untuk melompat. Tapi, tiba tiba gelang yang dipakai Ricky bergerak seperti menjalar dari ujung jari sampai sikunya Ricky. Ternyata, gelang itu sekarang membentuk seperti sarung tangan yang agak besar. Sambil mengaum, tupai monster itu melompat ke arah Ricky. Denagn sigap, Ricky memukul tupai monster itu sampai menghantam kedua tupai monster lainnya. Akhirnya, ketiga squorge itu pergi meninggalkan Ricky dan Bissy. "Wow, bagaimana bisa?" Tanya Bissy. "Aku tidak tahu," Kata Ricky. bersamaan dengan itu, sarung tangan yang dipakai Ricky kembali seperti semula. "Hei, bagaimana bisa?" Tanya Bissy lagi. "aku benar benar tidak tahu, itu berubah dengan sendirinya," Kata Ricky. "Keren," Kata Bissy. "Semakin seru saja," Kata Ricky.

"Yasudah, ayo kita ke rumah pohon," ajak Ricky. setelah sampai di rumah pohon, mereka berdua langsung duduk. "Hei, kita periksa buku itu yuk. Siapa tau sudah ada halaman 8 nya," Kata Bissy. Tanpa menjawab, Ricky langsung membuka buku biru dari genggamannya. Dia membuka halaman buku itu satu persatu. Ternyata benar, halaman 8 sudah terisi. Isi dari halaman 8 adalah:

"Squorge ya namanya." Kata Ricky. "Disini dikatakan masih ada musuh yang lainnya, artinya kita masih punya musuh selain si Squorge, kan?" Tanya Bissy. "Benar juga.."Kata Ricky. Disaat bersamaan, dari luar terdengar suara elang. "Elang? aku baru tahu di sekitar sini ada elang," Kata Bissy. "Perasaanku tidak enak.., Ayo kita keluar," Kata Ricky. Ricky pun menutup bukunya dan langsung berlari keluar rumah pohon. sesampainya di luar rumah pohon, mereka berdua langsung melihat ke arah langit. "Itu sekumpulan elang," Kata Bissy. "Aku.. Tidak.. Yakin..," Kata Ricky. Tiba tiba, elang itu terbang ke bawah dan mengarah ke arah Bissy. "Bissy! menunduklah!" Teriak Ricky. Dengan cepat, Bissy langsung menunduk untuk menghindari serangan dari elang itu. "Itu elang monster!" Kata Bissy. "Ya benar. Dan elang itu harus membayar untuk apa yang sudah ia lakukan!" Teriak Ricky. Tiba tiba, muncullah cahaya yang menyerupai busur dan panah dari tangan Ricky. "Wow," Ricky terkagum karena dia bisa melihat senjata yang tiba tiba muncul lagi dari tangannya. Dengan cepat, Ricky langsung menarik panah itu dan melepaskannya. Akhirnya, panah itu mengenai salah satu elang yang ada di langit. "Kena kau!" Teriak Ricky. Tetapi, setelah itu cahaya itu menghilang begitu saja. "Hei hei, nanti dulu aku belum.. Akhh! lupakan," Kata Ricky kesal. "Hei Rick. sepertinya musuh bertambah, nih," kata Bissy. "Ayo kita pergi," Ajak Ricky. Ricky mengambil buku biru yang ada di tanah dan mereka berdua langsung berlari menuju jembatan. Ketika sudah sampai di depan jembatan, Ricky terjatuh dan buku biru itu terlepas dari genggamannya. Akhirnya, buku itu terjatuh ke dalam sungai. "Tidak!!" Teriak Ricky. "Sudahlah Rick. Kita selamatkan diri kita dulu!" Kata Bissy. Mereka pun berlari keluar Terabithia. "Apakah mereka masih mengejar?" Tanya Bissy. "Sepertinya tidak," Kata Ricky. "Huh, akhirnya," Kata Bissy lega. Mereka berdua pun pulang..

To be continued..
Next Chapter: The Guardian Plants

Nb: Ada kesalah di beberapa kata dan ada penambahan pada chapter 8.
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